Welcome the Chair of Behavioral Social Policy


We would like to welcome you to the Chair of Behavioral Social Policy. The chair is headed by Prof. Dr. Jeannette Brosig-Koch. Her professorship was endowed by the funding network Interdisciplinary Social Policy Research of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

The research focus of the chair is in the areas of social policy - especially the analysis of health economic issues and their close connection to other areas of social policy - and economic behavioral research. Characteristic for these research directions is the close combination of micro-theoretical methods (e.g. game theory and behavioral economic theories) with quantitative-empirical methods. Further information on the research content can be found here.

In teaching, the team of the chair contributes mainly to the newly established interdisciplinary program Economics and Society (B. Sc.) and the program Economics Policy Analysis (M. Sc.) and complements the training in the areas of social policy, behavioral economics and experimental economics. The courses offered by the department are designed to qualify students for behavioral economic analysis and social policy design. More information about the courses can be found here.

Last Modification: 27.02.2024 - Contact Person: Jeannette Brosig-Koch